If you are interested in getting baptized, please read over the “Water Baptism Outline” and fill out the form below.

We will contact you and let you know when our next baptism will be. Please note: there is a baptism class one week prior to the baptism that we ask you to attend before getting baptized.


Below are some points, guidelines and requirements for water baptism.

What is water baptism:

- Complete immersion into water.

- Found in the bible.

- Exciting and very holy event.

How its done:

- A place where there is enough water for total immersion.

Can be at a church baptismal, lake, pool, etc.

- Person is properly cloth.

- Guest are welcomed and encouraged to watch.

- Person will have an opportunity to share something if they like.

- Minister will possibly share something, pray over the person then baptize them in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Then lean the person over into the water for the total immersion.

- Person will exit baptismal and have some more prayers over them.

- Ceremony is concluded.


- Person must be born again, excepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

- Must be a regular attendee at Perry Hall Family Worship Center

- Must not be cohabiting

- Person must be of age to understand what baptism is all about.

- Must attend a class to get a better understanding, from the bible, what baptism   is about.

--- If you are interested in getting water baptized please let the church know. ---

Acts 2:38 (NKJV)  Repent, and let every one of you be baptized…